
*comment //////////////////////

Dice rolls, modifiers

Dice rolls, no modifiers


*comment dice roll [dice roll name]
*temp roll_dc 50 [the number the player's roll has to beat]
*temp dice_roll
*temp roll_chance [the % the roll succeeds, to be communicated to the player]
*set roll_dc - skill_martial [subtract any modifiers from the number to beat, usually a skill value]
*set roll_chance (100 - roll_dc) [prepare to display the chance as %] 
*rand dice_roll 0 100 [make the roll]

	#[modifiers, ${roll_chance}%]
		*if (dice_roll >= roll_dc)
			[i][b]Roll:[/b] ${dice_roll}[/i]
			[i][b]Chance of success:[/b][/i]
			[i]Modifier 1: ${modifier_sign} ${modifier}%
			You succeed![/i]
			[idem as above rolls and chances and modifier]
			You fail.